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1157+ Podcasts Booked
In the last 18 months, we’ve booked over 1157+ podcast interviews for our clients. Reaching millions of new listeners.
How It Works - Our Process
1. Strategy Call
First, we'll jump on 1-2 zoom calls to strategise your brand, messaging, and audience.
2. Onboarding Call
Here we'll come up with your custom gameplan and personal branding strategy.
3. Build Out Campaign
After onboarding, we'll build out your entire PR & Podcast campaign and start getting you bookings within 10 days.
5. Turn That Into Viral Content
Once your show has been recorded, we'll turn that into 2-10 viral short-form clips to distribute across your social media channels for more top of funnel awareness.
4. Get You Booked
From there, we will connect you direct with the host to coordinate your schedules. Once you're booked, you show up and rock it!
6. Dominate Your Industry
Using the 17 different strategies we provide you on how to leverage your media and podcasts for more attention, visibility and customers - dominate your space
Why hire a PR team?Plain and simple, Public Relations agencies have connections, experience, and a network that you do not. They can cut through the red tape that keeps you from getting your story heard. A PR team will develop PR tactics, newsworthy material, pitch to journalists, write press releases, arrange interviews with public figures, and more, all to ensure you are seen and heard.
What is the best PR strategy for me?Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and the public. Every situation is different, but at Otter PR, we are experts at customizing a PR strategy around your unique story.
Is there a list of podcasts you send me before I sign up?We don’t have a ‘list’ of podcasts we just place you on. Like every top PR company in the world, our onboarding process ensure’s that we will only be pitching and booking you on podcasts that are aligned with your brand target audience.
How much time is required?Our services are all done for you. After the onboarding process (approx. 30 min), it will be a max of between 1-3 hours per month, or less than an hour per week.
What if I’ve never done a podcast before?Short answer - no! The great thing about a podcast, is that you are sharing your insights and story - it is simply a conversation between you and the host. We'll also send you our podcast preparation guide so you know exactly how to show up and rock it.
What are the audiences of the podcasts?The minimum audience size we will book you is 1000 active listeners per episode. And the audience will be based off your industry, niche, geography, and talking points.
How do you guys do this?We have a proven process that has secured hundreds of podcast bookings for ourselves and our clients. We have softwares, systems, processes, and a great team who make this happen.
What if I don't like one of the podcasts?If you don’t like one of the podcasts that we secure an invitation for, we’ll simply get you another one. No questions asked.
What is the ROI?The ROI of PR and podcasts is multifaceted. For one, you get direct exposure to your target audience. Two, you are seen as a thought leader, and authority, which means you have the brand power and positioning to increase demand, and thus charge higher prices. Three, you have evergreen content that will show up in google permanently. Lastly, you can re purpose these clips across social media (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, YT shorts) to amass ten’s, if not hundreds of thousands of views.
Do you have a guarantee?Yes. We’ll get you booked on the agreed amount of podcasts in the said amount of time, or we’ll work with you for free until we do.
How can I leverage all the PR & podcasts?Don't worry about that! We will send you over our full guide on how to leverage all your PR and media to grow the bottom line of your business.
When is the best time to do this?If you do business online in any capacity, there is no time more important than the other. It is imperative that your brand is seen and message is heard all year around.
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